Booker T. Washington High School

Mrs. Cynthia Brown's Class


Introduction to Cosmetology -Students will:

1. Utilize mathematical, reading, writing, critical-thinking, decision-making, and problem-solving skills to perform the work of the cosmetology industry.
2. Explain how teamwork is used to plan long-range goals and projects that impact the cosmetology industry.
3. Demonstrate technology fluency in the management and services provided by the cosmetology industry.

Chemical Service-Students will:

1. Conduct a client consultation, including hair analysis to determine the appropriate chemical texture service.
2. Apply procedures for permanent waving.
3. Explain techniques used for soft curls and chemical hair relaxing.
4. Demonstrate soft curls and chemical hair relaxing.

Hair Coloring-Students will:

1. Understand hues on a color wheel.
2. Explain base colors, levels and tones used in color theory.
3. Determine a color selection by skin tone or complexion.
4. Access the role of a cosmetologist in Client safety and Protection.
5. Analyze the strengths of hair coloring, developers and their results.
6. Compare the basic categories of hair color.
7. Access the compatibly of hair color to skin tones.

Intro to Spa Techniques-Students will: 1. Explain the scientific principles of organs and tissues.

2. Explain the muscular system.
3. Define the nervous, skeletal, muscular, and circulatory systems as they relate to cosmetics.
4. Analyze the skin to identify types and disorders.


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