Macon County Schools

Special Education Services


Sheila Samuel

Macon County Schools-303 Union Springs Highway-Tuskegee, Alabama 36083

Office-(334) 724-1240, Extension 15021-Cell-(334) 398-2118


School psychologists/psychometrists have special training in the areas of education and psychology. Along with educators, parents, and professionals, we strive to ensure that all children in Macon County learn in healthy, safe and supportive environments. School psychologists/psychometrists understand teaching styles that are effective and successful. We appreciate that the children in today's schools constantly face challenges. We attempt to suggest positive solutions that help each child overcome obstacles to success.


Sheila Samuel is a 1987 graduate of South Macon High School. She received a Bachelors, Masters, and Education Specialist degree in Elementary Education from Alabama State, Iowa State and Troy University. She also received a Masters degree in School Psychometry from Troy University. She has been an educator for twenty-seven years. She recognizes education as being a noble and rewarding profession. With the Every Teacher Every Child ConnectED (ETECC) grant, it has provided a means to use technology to assist with psychological services. 



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