Notasulga High School

Ms. Mauldin - Science

Senior High Discipline Plan


Our classroom discipline plan is constructed to assist students in working together to provide a behavior in the classroom that presents an environment that is conducive to learning.  It has been documented that most behaviors are learned due to positive or negative feedback.  This plan aims to place the responsibility on the student to show respect and positive behavior at all times.

Class Rules

  1. Always respond respectfully to adults and classmates. 
  2. Respect themselves and the rights of others.
  3. Always enter the classroom quietly and be seated in an orderly manner.
  4. Behave in a manner that does not disrupt classroom learning.
  5. Obey all rules and requests by adults in the classroom.  (respectfully)
  6. Refrain from aggressive or threatening behavior toward fellow students, teachers, and other staff members.
  7. NO CELL PHONE usage allowed in class!

Consequences:  Discipline Actions

  1. Students make choices which require the use of consequences such as calling parents, after school detention, or write ups.
  2. Students that are not willing to follow directions may be written up and sent to the office without detention for disrespectful behavior, disruptive behavior due to excessive talking and not completing or attempting to complete assigned work.  Parents of the student will be notified of the unacceptable behavior.
  3. Excessive or loud talking that disrupts the class – detention.  Repeated offense will result in write-up.
  4. The use of profanity in class [First time detention], [Second time- detention], [Third time-write-up for Defiance of Authority].
  5. Throwing paper or other materials in class – detention. Continued offenses will result in a write-up for Defiance of Authority.
  6. Making strange sounds – warning – if behavior continues, detention
  7. Tardy – 4th tardy results in (In School Suspension)
  • Suspicion of cheating will be investigated. Proof of cheat will be severely penalized.
  • Cheating includes, but is not limited to:-Cheat sheets, copying another’s work, getting another to do your work, stealing answers, plagiarism.
  • Students are expected to remain silent during testing. Any talking during this time will be considered cheating. This will result in a zero on the assignment and discipline.


"Integrity is choosing your thoughts and actions based on values rather than personal gain." - Unknown.


*Note:  Any offense that continues to occur will result in a write-up for Defiance of Authority.



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