Notasulga High School

Coach Knight - Health & Physical Education

General Physical Fitness Facts/Vocabulary


  1. The 5 components of Fitness are: aerobic endurance, body composition, flexibility, muscular strength, and muscular endurance.
  2. Aerobic endurance is the body’s ability to take in and use oxygen so the muscles can keep working. The most important element of fitness.
  3. Body composition refers to the ratio of body fat to lean tissue (muscle, bone, skin and internal and organs).
  4. Flexibility is the ability of joints to move throughout their full range of motion.
  5. Muscular strength refers to ability of the muscles to work.
  6. Muscular Endurance is the power of a muscle to keep on working.
  7. Body Fat: Percentage of body weight that is fat, compared to other tissue such as bone & muscle.
  8. Agility: The ability to change direction quickly.
  9. Balance: The ability of the body to maintain or regain stability.
  10. Coordination: The ability to use your senses together with your body parts. (example: catching a ball, hand (body part)-eye (sense) coordination).
  11. Power: The ability to use strength quickly. It involves both strength and speed.
  12. Speed: The ability to perform a movement or cover a distance in a short period of time.
  13. Reaction time: How quickly you respond to something.
  14. Aerobic: “With oxygen”. Exercise that is performed slowly and smoothly and allows muscle cells to be supplied with enough oxygen. Example: running.
  15. Anaerobic: “Without oxygen” Exercise that is performed at an increased pace or with greater effort. Example: sprinting or weight training.
  16. Heart Rate/Pulse rate: Number of times your heart beats per minute.
  17. BMI: Body Mass Index: A math formula that takes in account a person’s height, weight, & gender.
  18. Resting Heart Rate (RHR): The number of heart beats at rest (inactive).
  19. Target Heart Rate (THR): 220 - age.
  20. THR Zone: 75-90% of your THR, and maintaining that rate for 15-30 minutes.
  21. Physical Fitness: A physical state of well being.
  22. Metabolism: The ability of your body to use the food and oxygen you take in to produce energy to perform activities.
  23. Warm-up: First stage of an exercise program to get the heart and muscles ready to work.
  24. Cool down: The last stage of an exercise program to return heart rate to normal and to prevent muscles soreness.
  25. The FITT Principal is: Frequency, Intensity, Time, and Type.
  26. Frequency refers to how often you do a particular activity. (daily, weekly?)
  27. Intensity refers to how physically hard the activity. (easy, moderate, hard?)
  28. Time refers to how long you do the activity. (how many minutes)
  29. Type refers to what kind of exercise (cardio, strength, endurance?)
  30. Carbohydrate: Sugar and starches are the body’s main source of energy. 1 gr. of this = 4 calories.
  31. Protein: Nutrients that build and repair your muscles and cells. 1 gr. of this = 4 calories.
  32. Fat: Provides energy, helps with digestion and the use of certain vitamins. 1 gr. of this = 9 calories.
  33. Water: Aids in digestion, helps transport nutrients and waste, and regulates body temperature. To properly hydrate your body, you need 8, 8 ounces glasses of water each day, more if exercising.
  34. Vitamins: Important for bones, teeth, vision and resistance to infection.
  35. Minerals: Important for strong bones and teeth as well as healthy blood and tissue.


  1. Goal: Scoring in an activity.
  2. Out of bounds: Outside of the playing area.
  3. Offense: The attacking team who are trying to score.
  4. Defense: The team trying to prevent the other team from scoring.
  5. Foul: A major infraction of the rule; may include a penalty against the player and/or team.
  6. Violation: A minor infraction of the rule; may include a penalty against the team.
  7. Sportsmanship: Playing within the rules with a good attitude and with respect to others.


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