Macon County Schools

Student Services



Class I-Disciplinary Actions:

First Offense Conference with student and/or parental contact when warranted. Circumstances may warrant disciplinary action as outlined under subsequent offenses.

Second Offense Parental or guardian contact and/or disciplinary action.

Subsequent Offenses In-school disciplinary actions such as probation, detention, corporal punishment, referral to social services, mental health, or other disciplinary action determined by the school principal/designee.

Note: Consequences will not include placing the student in the hallway or unsupervised areas. Penalties should not be imposed for any entire class for actions that involve fewer than the entire class. Students are expected to deliver to parents all discipline forms received by administrators showing disciplinary action taken as a result of office referrals.

1-74 Excessive distraction of other students-Any conduct and/or behavior, which is disruptive to the orderly educational process in the classroom or any other instructional setting.

1-75 Unauthorized organizations and/or fundraising (selling tickets, candy, etc.)

1-76 Non-conformity to dress code

1-77 Inappropriate public display of affection (feeling, kissing, hugging, or sitting in another’s lap, etc.)

1-78 Failure to follow appropriate directive from a local board of education employee

1-79 Littering of school property

1-80 Intentionally providing false information to a school board employee, including, but not limited to, student information data and the concealment of information directly related to school business

1-81 Any other violation that the principal may deem reasonable to fall within the category after investigation and consideration of extenuating circumstances

1-82 Continued refusal to complete class assignments

1-83 Minor disruption on a school bus

1-84 Improper use of Cell Phone/Beeper/ Electronic Devices (Note: Cell phones may be confiscated indefinitely by administrators or his/her designee).  

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