Macon County Schools

Transportation Services

BUS DISCIPLINE The students’ ride on the school bus to and from school should be viewed as his/her first and last classroom. To maximize safety and assure consideration of others, bus drivers and school officials must set high standards of student conduct. Public school transportation is a privilege and not a right and certain behaviors are expected of students who participate in the school transportation program. The driver of the school bus will assume such authority for control of students who are transported to or from school as may be assigned by the principal. The bus driver will maintain student discipline and responsible conduct of all students who participate. Bus discipline applies to regular routes, field trips, athletic activities, and any other transports during which students are riding Macon County school buses. The number for the Macon County Transportation Center is 334-724-0890.

The Macon County Schools Transportation Department expects students to conduct themselves through self-governance for acceptable behavior at all times. The bus is a heavy vehicle that requires full concentration by the driver and distractions threaten the safety and well being of all being transported. Students are expected to honor three basic premises for good behavior while riding any school bus: Respect, Responsibility, and Safety. These behavior clusters are categorized into Minor Offenses, Intermediate, and Major Offenses.


Minor Offenses

Minor offenses include the following:

1. Acts that disregard respect for other passengers.

2. Irresponsible acts.

Verbal and/or written warnings are issued directly to the student/parent for the first two minor offenses by the bus driver. The third minor offense will be reported to a school administrator for disciplinary action as established by the Macon County Schools Code of Conduct and deemed appropriate by the local school administration.


Intermediate Offenses

Intermediate offenses include the following:

3. Any act that could impact the safety of any school bus rider, including oneself.

All intermediate will be automatically reported to the school administrator for disciplinary action as established by the Macon County Schools Code of Conduct and deemed appropriate by the local school administration.


Major Offenses

Major offenses include the following:

Actions that are classified as Level III offenses in the Macon County Schools Code of Student Conduct to include fighting, harassment, and all action defined as Level III Offenses.



(Minor Offense)

1st Minor Offense to administrator (3rd write up) -- 1 Day off Bus

2nd 1 Week off Bus

3rd 2 Weeks off Bus

4th 1 Month off Bus

 5th (7th write up) 1 Year off Bus


(Intermediate Offense)

1st Intermediate Offense 1 Week off Bus

2nd 1 Month off Bus

3rd 1 Year off Bus


(Major Offense)

Student Success Center, Suspension, Expulsion, or Referral to Law Enforcement plus either of the following:

1st Major Offense Time off Bus equivalent to time of disposition (Example: 7 Days of Suspension from School will equal 7 days off Bus)

2nd 1 Month off Bus or time off bus equivalent to disposition, whichever is greater.

3rd 1 Year off Bus or time off bus equivalent to disposition, whichever is greater.


Note: Any discipline action may be increased at the discretion of the local school administrator. Also, efforts are being made to install video surveillance equipment on each bus. Video surveillance will be pulled periodically and any student found to have committed any of the aforementioned violations will be disciplined.

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